Opening Reception JAN 10, 5:30 – 7:30
Figure art represents a collaborative effort between two craftsman… one, an artist… the other, a model.
Art collectors are attracted to pieces for various reasons, maybe they like the artist, maybe they like the style. It is a different matter for collector Joseph Vignieri—he is the subject. Joseph has spent the past 4 years dedicating his time as a life drawing model for artists. He has modeled for nearly 900 sessions at over 40 different locations across the state of Wisconsin. An avid arts enthusiast, Joseph began collecting works created during these life drawing sessions early on in his career. He sees each of the pieces, in the collection of nearly 400 works of art, as documentation of his journey as a life drawing model. This exhibit features 60 pieces from the collection, each done of Joseph by artists across Wisconsin.
Drawing Session FREE for all artists
JAN 7, 10a-1p & JAN 8, 6p-9p
Joseph will be modeling. Works created during these drawing sessions may be left to be included in the remainder of the Draw Joseph exhibit.