Painting Reflections and Surface of Water with Oil Colors

October 18-19 • 9am – 4pm

Instructor: Sherri Thomas

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Calm lakes, ponds, and small streams are considered to be “still” water and the two important visual components of painting still water are reflections and its surface. These are necessary to create a convincing illusion of water as a flat, horizontal surface receding into the distance. Using a limited palette of oil colors, the first day begins with a short demo by Sherri, followed by the class working on a small painting of a boat floating in water and its reflection. We will use the five key elements of painting reflections.

The second day begins with a short demo with the class creating a small landscape of trees reflected in water with a distant shoreline. How to paint the surface of water to achieve an illusion of distance and five elements of reflections is the focus of the second day. Handouts are provided for reference and each day’s painting is taught in a “follow-along” method where the class creates their painting step-by-step based on a completed painting by Sherri. It’s a fun but challenging class, and even though it’s a follow-along method, everyone’s painting is unique.

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