Exaggeration & Expression

an introduction to the art of caricature

Tuesday • AUG 2 & 9, 2022 from 9-12

Instructor: Michael Webb
Cost: $60 (all materials included)

Learn the basics of capturing personality on paper! In this two-part caricature drawing class, instructor Michael Webb will teach the fundamentals of simple portraiture and ways of exaggerating facial features to capture the subject’s personality and expression. Using images of pop culture icons and a classical approach, class participants will leave class with a sketchbook full of exercises that will lead them in their future caricature art adventures.

Beginner +

Michael Webb is an Appleton artist and art teacher in the Menasha School District who enjoys using a variety of media to explore pop culture imagery. Webb’s knowledge of anatomy and his use of the drawing techniques of the old masters give his subject matter a finesse that elevates caricatures into works of art.